TTAF, which was established in 2003 to realize special product designs for its customers on Advanced Technology Fasteners, Cable Grouping and Professional Led Lighting Applications, serves in its 6000m2 Istanbul facility.
TTAF has implemented the structuring of TTAF Medikal, taking into account the private and public interest during the pandemic process our country is in. It produces Personal Protectors and Sterilization products for the medical needs of different sectors with its experience, dynamic team and 20 years of experience with the world's most important manufacturers.
TTAF Medikal believes in the importance of innovation and R&D for sustainable success in the health sector, has a multi-disciplinary structure that closely follows the developments in the health sector and reflects the developments in this direction to its products within the framework of international standards.
You can contact us for any question about TTAF Medical and security questions about your web experience.